Mask Policy Update

Mask Policy Update + Curbside Service Info

Regardless of our mask policy, we Will NOT Deny Service to anyone – Curbside Service will remain an option!  To take advantage of Curbside Service: You can simply give us a call when you arrive and we will bring your order directly to your car.  Please take a look at the attached Curbside Service Flyer for further details.

After reviewing feedback from our valued customers and team, we have decided to maintain our current Mask Requirement for the time being.  This decision was the result of dozens of responses from customers to our post this week, along with feedback from our team and several conversations with friends, mentors and other businesspeople in the Greater Lansing Area.  The feedback we received was overwhelmingly in favor of keeping our current mask requirement.

We understand that this decision will disappoint some, while it will reassure others.  Ultimately, this decision was made to ensure the safest and most comfortable environment for our team and our valued guests.  These decisions are rarely easy and we hope that those of you who disagree, can at least appreciate the reasons we opted to go this route and respect the fact that this is not meant to be a political statement or an inconvenience to you, but is merely in the interest of the overall safety of every person who steps foot into our establishment.

With that being said, allow us to clarify some questions / concerns we’ve heard:

1.       No One will be denied service: Curbside Service will be available for any and all who desire it.  If you prefer not to put a mask on at all…allow us to bring your order directly out to your car.

2.       Our staff will all continue to wear masks per the latest CDC guidance and will continue to do so until further notice.

3.       Social Distancing will still be expected, while inside either location.  Please respect your fellow patrons and maintain 6-feet of distance between yourself and others.

 Finally, we understand you may not agree with our decision, but ask that you don’t take it out on our team or your fellow patrons.  We truly hope that the State of Michigan and the U.S. continue to trend in the right direction and that the pandemic and its effects on our daily life are truly in our rearview mirror.  In the meantime, we will continue to evaluate the situation and keep you all informed. 

 Thanks for supporting your groovy, local donut shop!

 Andrew Gauthier, Founder / Baker  &  Monica Lucas, Co-Owner / Baker

Curbside Pick Up 8-25-20.jpg