COVDI-19 Policy Update

As many of you are probably aware, as of July 1st, barring any significant increase in cases statewide, the State of Michigan will be dropping COVID-19 restrictions. With that in mind, plus the encouraging drop in positivity rates and the increase in vaccination numbers, we will be making some adjustments to our policies.

1) We will no longer require masks for vaccinated individuals. We will ask our team to continue wearing masks for the time being (subject to change).

2) We will remain 100% take-out for the time being.

3) Curbside service will remain an option, going forward. For those of you who are wary of interacting with people not wearing a mask, or simply prefer not to come in, feel free to take advantage of our curbside service (details below)!

4) We will continue to enforce social distancing within our stores - please allow each party in the shop to maintain their 6 feet of personal space.

5) We humbly request that you DO NOT come into the store if you are sick or have any symptoms (fever, nausea, aches and pains, etc). Please take advantage of our curbside service or have someone else come in on your behalf.

6) We will maintain all cleaning and sanitization protocols that were enacted during the pandemic.

While these updates may feel like a big shift, we'd like to reassure you all that these decisions haven't been made lightly. We've considered the safety of our guests and our team during every step of the way. Thanks for your ongoing support during what has been a challenging 15 months. We truly appreciate you!

Andrew Gauthier, Founder / Co-Owner & Monica Lucas, Co-Owner